Learn the Answer to the Question, “Is Alcohol a Depressant?”

Learn the Answer to the Question, “Is Alcohol a Depressant?”
man drinking wine wondering is alcohol a depressant or a stimulant

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A large segment of America’s population consumes alcohol on a regular basis. Most abusers of illegal substances have to hide their addictive actions from others. In contrast, alcohol consumption is just a part of the culture. Many people want to know, “Is alcohol a depressant or a stimulant?” Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that has destroyed many lives. At Liberty Bay Recovery Center, we will do everything in our power to help you or your loved one defeat alcohol addiction.

What Are Some Signs of Alcohol Abuse?

Prior to searching for an alcohol rehab center, it is important to know and understand some of the signs of alcohol abuse. Many alcoholics have become adept at hiding their addiction and coming up with elaborate stories to cover their behavior. At Liberty Bay Recovery, we know some signs to look for. Whether it’s you or a loved one struggling, these signs point towards alcoholism.

Signs of alcohol abuse include drinking to relax, feel better, or relieve stress; experiencing alcohol-related legal issues like a DUI; declining performance at work or school; and memory loss or blackouts due to alcohol use. Your drinking habit may be an addiction if you lie about your alcohol use, neglect your responsibilities, have more relationship problems than usual, start isolating yourself from friends and family, or are missing important dates, events, or deadlines.

If one or more of these signs describe you or a loved one, there is a good chance that an alcohol addiction either already exists or will soon. On top of these signs, because alcohol is a depressant, your behaviors and personality will change. You will not be as friendly, and people will notice a change in your attitude toward them and toward life.

Is Alcohol a Depressant? Yes, and You Can End Its Hold on You

For alcoholics, the desire to drink and the negative things that drinking leads to can be a lifelong problem. At Liberty Bay Recovery, we offer a powerful and evidence-proven method of breaking the hold that alcohol can place on your life. While no alcoholic is completely “cured,” recovery and a healthy, sober lifestyle are possible. We can help you break the chains that addiction has placed on your life.

Alcohol addiction, like many other drug-related addictions, can stem from both physical and psychological issues. If you treat only the physical issues during rehab, then it will be easy to fall back into drinking when a problem occurs outside of the rehab environment. But if you focus only on the psychological side of the addiction, then you will never heal physically. At Liberty Bay, we treat both aspects of the addiction. We offer detox programs that include treating symptoms of withdrawal along with any other physical complications that your drinking might have caused.

Why Should You Seek a Center for Alcohol Rehab?

You should seek alcohol rehab because our team of doctors, counselors, and other professionals can help you gain victory over your addiction. There are times in each of our lives when we have to call for the help of others. If you are struggling with an addiction, right now is one of those times. At Liberty Bay, we offer many programs and paths for each individual to walk down during their stay. We know that no two people are exactly alike, and no rehab program is a one-size-fits-all solution. We tailor our programs from admission to completion for each patient’s individual needs.

If you or someone you know is experiencing alcohol addiction, call (855) 607-8758 today, and allow Liberty Bay Recovery to help you begin to heal.