Acute Stress Disorder

Acute Stress Disorder

woman meets with therapist at stress disorder treatment center

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The key to a successful recovery often hinges on finding ways to handle the stress of life successfully. Liberty Bay Recovery’s stress disorder treatment center in Portland, Maine specializes in assisting clients in acquiring the life skills necessary to manage acute stress and life stress in healthy ways. Our program focuses on controlling stress during the recovery process so you can find long-term help. Treatment can help you just as it has helped many other individuals. We will show you various stress management techniques designed to assist you to achieve your long-term goal of successful sobriety.

Our Stress Disorder Treatment Center in Portland, Maine

We are able to prescribe and refill medication for anxiety and depression, but for other mental health concerns we refer out. Certainly, more severe mental health concerns may arise after you have some time clean and sober. The signs of acute stress, as well as severe anxiety or depression, are not always immediately apparent. If these traits emerge, or they were not disclosed during admission, we do our best to find appropriate psychiatric help in Portland, Maine while you receive treatment.

Acute stress disorder (ASD) can occur after witnessing an accident or death or some other extremely traumatic event. It could also occur if you were the victim of a violent crime. The feelings and emotions associated with ASD include fear, horror, and hopelessness. Such feelings typically manifest within a month of being involved in or witnessing such an event. There are many types of traumatic events, such as a major traffic accident or school shooting. In certain cases, ASD is a precursor to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A trauma and stress recovery center focuses on breaking the patterns of behavior that leave you trapped in this cycle. Thus, treatment provides long-term help and guidance for recovery.

Erratic behavior, panic attacks, severe anxiety, depression, and substance abuse are not uncommon in individuals who suffer from ASD.

Signs of Acute Stress Disorder

Whenever a person feels that he or she is in a very dangerous life or death situation, that person’s body reacts in a “fight-or-flight” mode. This results in symptoms such as the following:

  • increased blood pressure
  • muscle tension
  • sweating
  • accelerated heart rate
  • increased respirations

This is the body preparing itself to fight or flee, and it occurs when one is under acute stress. As mentioned above, symptoms typically stem from being involved in a traumatic event and the emotional trauma associated with such events. Identifying the signs of acute stress disorder can help determine when to seek help from a stress disorder treatment center in Portland, Maine.

Example Trauma Events

ASD may be triggered by any of the following:

  • Rape
  • Incident of violence
  • Natural disaster
  • Near death experience
  • Abduction
  • Accident
  • War or combat
  • Witnessing a death
  • Terrorist attack

Stress and the Addiction Cycle

All individuals deal with stress at some point throughout their life. The term refers to the mental and emotional strain that stems from challenging or demanding circumstances. It is perfectly natural for the human body to release a certain amount of stress hormones on a daily basis. However, if such hormones are flooding through the body at high levels, it typically means the person is suffering from severe stress. Those with ASD typically have heightened levels of stress hormones, and in certain cases, intense stress of this type overwhelms the person, and he or she then seeks alternative avenues through which to dull the senses.

Signs of Addiction

Professionals regard addiction as dependence on prescription drugs, illegal substances or alcohol. Addicts are dependent individuals who cannot control their use of alcohol or drugs, and even when negative side effects take place, they cannot stop abusing their substance of choice. Even casual alcohol or drug use can result in addiction if the user is no longer able to control his or her cravings. Then, physical and mental health begins to suffer, and the person may have problems on the job or with interpersonal relationships. Addiction symptoms include the following:

  • Accidents or criminal behavior
  • Neglecting personal appearance
  • Not being able to stop using
  • An inability to cope without the substance
  • Spending excess money on the substance
  • Trouble during work or school
  • A feeling of needing the substance
  • Changes in personality or mood swings
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Physical health problems

The lives of addicts revolve around acquiring their chosen substance, taking it, and dealing with the after effects. Acute stress disorder combined with dependency or addiction will only serve to exacerbate such symptoms. Along with addiction therapies and treatment, help from a trauma and stress recovery center in Portland, Maine provides relief for the most severe symptoms, so each individual can address their long-term needs for recovery.

Dual Diagnosis and Treatment

The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that individuals diagnosed with mood disorders or anxiety are twice as likely to become dependent or addicted to drugs or alcohol. For this reason, treatment must address ASD and alcohol or drug addiction at the same time to ensure the most satisfactory results. The term dual diagnosis refers to an individual suffering from addiction and a mental disorder at the same time. Accordingly, treatment at a dual diagnosis treatment center addresses both issues in different manners. On their own, each condition’s symptoms can be more persistent and severe, which leads to treatment resistance and high risk for relapse.

Don’t Wait. Call Today.

There are myriad reasons to enter a treatment program and stop the vicious cycle of addiction, which wreaks havoc on the addicted person, as well as his or her family and friends.

If untreated, addiction will almost certainly take everything from you that you hold most dear. Identify the signs of acute stress and life stress that are holding you down and find treatment at a trauma and stress recovery center in Portland, Maine. Contact Liberty Bay Recovery at (855) 607-8758 for more information on how we can help.

We can assist you regardless of which insurance you have, whether it is United Medical Resources (UMR), Cigna, Humana, Aetna, ValueOptions, United Health Care, Providence Health Plans, Government Employee Health Association), (GEHA), state insurance, or Harvard Program HealthCare. We also provide numerous self-pay options that are reasonably priced.

Find Stress Disorder Treatment in Portland, Maine

Liberty Bay Recovery is Portland, Maine’s premier stress disorder treatment center, where individuals can begin their road to recovery in a low-stress environment. The Liberty Bay staff understands what you are going through and the stress you are under. We are trained to assist you in developing coping skills and successfully handling the stresses that are unique to your life. Contact us to obtain additional information about our various treatment plans designed to help you or your loved one effectively manage stress and start down the road to recovery.