Alcohol Rehab Program in Maine

Alcohol Rehab Program in Maine

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Even though alcohol is legal, it’s a highly addictive beverage that can bring about a substance use disorder (SUD) in people who drink too much. Results from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicate that nearly 30 million people aged 12 and older had developed an alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the previous year. AUD often occurs when someone exhibits excessive alcohol use by binge drinking or drinking heavily

If you’re currently suffering from AUD, it’s important that you seek professional help by entering alcohol rehabilitation. These treatment programs can include everything from medical detoxification to group and individual therapy. By entering one of these programs, you may be able to reduce the side effects and consequences that can arise from long-term AUD. This guide explores alcohol rehab and what it entails. 

Significance of Alcohol Rehab 

Alcohol rehab allows you to reduce the risk of harmful health conditions that might occur with AUD. When you drink too much alcohol, there are many short- and long-term health risks you’ll need to be on the lookout for. The short-term health risks associated with excessive alcohol use include:

• Alcohol poisoning
• Sexual assault and other violence
• Motor vehicle accidents
• Falls and burns
• Stillbirth and miscarriage

Excessive alcohol use may eventually lead to chronic diseases and similar long-term issues, which include:

• Alcohol use disorder
• High blood pressure
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• Various types of cancer
• Immune system issues
• Anxiety and depression
• Memory and learning problems
• Social problems 

If you stop drinking too much, you may be able to reduce the risk that you develop these side effects. If your body is already dependent on alcohol, you may need to obtain treatment to make sure you get through the withdrawal process without experiencing severe symptoms.

Rehab can be beneficial for people who are dependent on alcohol as well as their families and friends. This form of treatment offers a path to recovery. When you’re dependent on alcohol, you’re more likely to have issues at work and school, which can impact your personal life. You may push people away by not listening to their advice or being rude when you’re drinking. Whatever the reason, drinking too much alcohol can damage relationships. Alcohol rehab can help repair this damage.

Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs: Exploring Options 

Several types of alcohol rehabilitation programs at your disposal, including inpatient, outpatient, and residential treatment options. All treatment programs are designed to help people manage their AUD. However, there are some notable differences between them. group at alcohol rehab in portland maine

Outpatient programs help people learn more about their addiction and the triggers associated with it.

This type of treatment can occur at a doctor’s office or another outpatient facility. The main difference between outpatient and inpatient rehab is that the former allows you to continue attending school or going to work. Depending on the intensity of the program, you may need to receive treatment for only a few hours each week.  

Inpatient rehabilitation often occurs in a full-time residential facility that offers a supportive environment. People with more severe forms of AUD may require inpatient rehab.  

Specialized programs also exist for specific demographics or people who suffer from co-occurring disorders. Integrated treatment combines substance use and mental health treatment to provide more personalized care. This level of treatment may be able to improve outcomes and offer the possibility of long-term sobriety. 

Understanding the Alcohol Detoxification Process

The alcohol detoxification process is often the first step in a comprehensive treatment program. The purpose of detox is to help you manage the withdrawal symptoms that occur when you stop drinking alcohol. Detox can be administered at an inpatient or outpatient facility. The goals of this type of treatment include:

• Removing the substance from the body
• Helping the client to stop drinking alcohol
• Preventing alcohol use complications
• Reducing withdrawal symptoms

Inpatient detox often occurs at a hospital, while outpatient programs typically take place at a clinic or doctor’s office. The management strategies that treatment programs often employ to help clients get through withdrawal extend to:

• Providing medicines or fluids
• Administering sedatives
• Testing blood

Many symptoms are associated with alcohol withdrawal, including: 

• Fatigue
• Depression
• Nightmares
• Mood swings
• Shakiness
• Irritability
• Clammy skin
• Headaches
• Insomnia
• Rapid heart rate
• Nausea and vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Trembling hands 

You could also develop delirium tremens if your alcohol withdrawal is severe. This condition can lead to symptoms like: 

• Irritability
• Severe confusion
• Seizures
• Hallucinations

During alcohol detox in an inpatient or outpatient program, you’ll receive medical supervision. With at least one medical professional overseeing your treatment 24/7, you’re unlikely to experience any serious side effects.

Choosing the Right Alcohol Rehab Center 

Once you decide to seek alcohol rehab, it’s important to choose a center that’s right for you. The many factors you should consider when selecting an alcohol rehab facility include: 

• Levels of care
• Treatment programs
• Facility setting preferences
• Staff experience and reputation

You must enter a facility that offers individualized treatment plans and evidence-based practices. Every client has different needs, which means that individualized treatment plans can be more effective. If a rehab facility advertises that it uses evidence-based practices, you should be able to find information about their treatments before entering the program.

Verify the center’s accreditation, licensing, and staff credentials before making your final decision. For example, all team members who administer health-related services need to have a medical license. Depending on the state, mental health licenses may also be required

Benefits of Professional Alcohol Rehab 

Seeking professional alcohol rehab can be highly advantageous. For example, it can help you alleviate your withdrawal symptoms and medical complications. If you’ve recently been experiencing depression, high blood pressure, or some of the other side effects associated with AUD, alcohol rehab could mitigate these complications.  

During treatment, you’ll receive psychological support and therapy to address your underlying issues. Keep in mind that numerous types of therapy can be administered as part of an alcohol rehab program, including everything from family counseling to cognitive behavioral therapy. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy may be provided in small groups or one-on-one settings. The purpose of this therapy is to help you identify the situations or feelings that might cause you to drink heavily. During therapy, you may also learn some stress-management techniques to help you avoid relapse.

Family counseling can involve you spouse, siblings, parents, or other members of your family. The purpose of this therapy is to improve family relationships and repair the bonds that may have been damaged. Family support during recovery may improve the chances of maintaining sobriety.

As for motivational enhancement therapy (MET), it’s performed over a short period to help clients develop the motivation to change problematic drinking behaviors. During therapy, clients learn how to understand the benefits and drawbacks of obtaining ongoing treatment for their AUD. Clients may also create a plan for changing their drinking habits and forming the skills necessary to adhere to their sobriety.

Whether you enter an inpatient or outpatient treatment program, you’ll likely be tasked with attending brief interventions, which often involve one-on-one sessions. These sessions focus on the risks associated with excessive drinking. You may also learn about the patterns that your behavior displays when you’re drinking. Once you receive personalized feedback, your counselor may help you set additional treatment goals. No matter the therapies you receive, you’ll learn new skills and tools needed to maintain long-term sobriety and prevent a relapse. 

What to Expect During Alcohol Rehab

The alcohol rehab process is straightforward and begins with detox shortly after you enter the program. Detox is only one part of the rehab process. It can last for days or weeks depending on the severity of your AUD.  

Once you complete a detox program, you’ll be able to receive behavioral therapies that are meant to help you understand why you crave alcohol. You may be involved in many types of therapy modalities, group sessions, and individual counseling. Treatment can be personalized to suit your needs.

The duration of an alcohol rehabilitation program varies depending on the severity of your AUD. If you’ve been dependent on alcohol for years, treatment may take longer for you than it does for someone who’s only been drinking excessively for a few months. Since inpatient rehab is more intensive, it usually lasts for at least 28 days 

Aftercare and Continued Support 

Treatment doesn’t stop when you’re discharged from an alcohol rehab facility. To avoid relapse and maintain long-term sobriety, it’s important that you obtain aftercare services. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a 12-step program that provides you with peer support that may allow you to avoid relapse.

Aftercare services are highly varied and can include everything from support groups and alumni programs to ongoing therapy. To effectively navigate the challenges that occur post-rehab, consider contacting the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Empowering Recovery With Professional Support 

To achieve and maintain long-term sobriety, alcohol rehab is crucial. It can help you understand why you drink and learn how to manage the cravings that come with AUD. You can take a more proactive approach to recovery by obtaining professional help and entering a rehab program. Prioritize your health and well-being by exploring your options.

You can get help for AUD and any related mental health concerns at with Liberty Bay Recovery Center. We offer personalized alcohol rehab that provides a combination of personalized care and evidence-based treatments. From medical detox to dual diagnosis treatment, we offer many programs that are designed to help clients maintain lasting sobriety.