What Is Lean Drink?

What Is Lean Drink?
woman pensively looking out at a snowy landscape wondering what is lean drink aka purple drank

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During the past decade, lean has become a popular way for people to get high. You may be asking yourself “what is lean?” People make this drink from ingredients found at most stores. Lean ingredients include codeine (within cough medicine), soda and candy. What is lean also known as? Another name for lean is purple drank.

What Is Lean’s Main Ingredient?

What is lean made of? This drink contains one of the most dangerous opiates in the prescription drug industry. In fact, codeine has effects that are similar to Vicodin and heroin. People who abuse lean drink face a variety of dangerous side effects.

Another harmful ingredient in prescription cough syrup is promethazine. Typically, doctors prescribe this drug before and after operations. This sedative controls pain and vomiting. Promethazine is dangerous when it’s used for recreational purposes.

On the surface, a dependency on cough syrup may not seem like a big deal. Purple drank is as toxic as other substances. Lean abusers can access it at any time because its ingredients are easy to get.

What Is Lean Drink’s Effect On The Body?

Many people don’t understand how purple drank affects the body. After all, it contains cough syrup. How dangerous can it be?

The truth is lean includes a mixture of potentially toxic ingredients. Possible side effects include a coma, slurred speech, impaired vision, irregular heartbeat and memory loss. Lean can cause seizures and possibly death. This purple drank becomes more dangerous when it’s combined with alcohol. It isn’t unusual for people to mix it with vodka. This mixture causes impaired judgment, drowsiness and irrational behavior.

People drink purple drank because they enjoy the euphoric feeling that it provides. Purple drank decreases brain activity and provides a sedating effect. It causes hallucinations and relaxation.

Is There Help for Lean Addiction?

Lean drink can be highly addictive. Common symptoms of lean abuse include diarrhea, loss of appetite, anxiety, yawning, cramps and nausea. If you or a loved one have a lean dependency, you should know that help is available.

Here’s how people can tell if they have a lean addiction. They constantly crave it. They drink it to cope with stress. It negatively affects relationships, finances and work, but they can’t stop drinking it. When they don’t drink purple drank, they experience withdrawal symptoms.

If you identify with these common signs of substance abuse, you must take immediate action. Your health and future may be in jeopardy.

Our team at Liberty Bay Recovery Center understands the effects lean has on the body. We have programs that treat this type of addiction. Let our caring staff help you on the road to recovery from purple drank.

Liberty Bay Treats Addiction To Purple Drank

At Liberty Bay Recovery Center, we understand the dangers of lean addiction. We offer effective opioid addiction treatment in Portland, Maine. We offer inpatient and outpatient services. Other programs include 24-hour medical detox, partial hospitalization, aftercare and substance abuse treatment. Therapy programs include yoga, 12-step, trauma therapy and family therapy.

You’ll find a variety of resources at our center. This includes a comfortable environment, a supportive staff, nutritious meals and a humanized treatment approach. Our recovery center uses the therapeutic community model to treat substance abuse. Recovery is possible. If you’d like to discuss substance abuse treatment options, we are available. Call Liberty Bay Recovery Center at (855) 607-8758 for immediate help.