How to Have a Sober Thanksgiving

How to Have a Sober Thanksgiving
People sit at a table with a turkey talking about how to have a sober Thanksgiving

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With the holidays coming up, you are probably wondering how to have a sober Thanksgiving while interacting with friends and family. Stress and celebration are two means of triggering the desire for a comforting drink or several.

Drug rehab in Portland, ME, is here to help you with some ideas for a sober holiday and one filled with enjoyment and gratitude.

Maybe you are in recovery, ready to enter it, or are just looking forward to a Thanksgiving without alcohol. There are some tips to help create a peaceful and grateful celebration. Drama at Thanksgiving means a play put on by the children in Pilgrim costumes — not drama caused by addiction.

Why Should You Know How to Have a Sober Thanksgiving?

When thinking of the Thanksgiving holiday, you should be going into it, knowing that you will be staying sober. Before you go, make that decision that you will not be drinking. Giving that decision your full attention will help you, no matter what. Find the strength to say no.

Be you are mentally prepared to say no and realize where your strength lies. Then, you will be ready to handle a situation when stress rears its head.

Tips for How to Have a Sober Thanksgiving

If you are in recovery or are trying to have a sober holiday, some suggestions include:

  • Bring your favorite nonalcoholic drinks.
  • Be aware that traditions can change.
  • Have something to eat before you go.
  • Relax while counting your blessings and being grateful.
  • Saying no is okay.
  • Take time for self-care, such as meditation, yoga, a walk, or exercise.
  • Make sure you have your own transportation.

Being prepared is all about staying true to that decision not to drink at the Thanksgiving celebration.

Dealing With Family When Having a Sober Thanksgiving

What people say to you and how they act is never about you; it is about them, their judgments, and way of looking at the world. Keep your focus.

Consider every encounter a chance to learn and grow. Relationships that provide a challenge offer your most significant opportunity for growth.

Witness your interactions; use the space to interpret, observe, and become empowered. Therapy often helps you reach that space where you can be a witness without becoming emotionally involved.

Set boundaries that take care of you first. If a conversation begins to lead in an uncomfortable direction, you have the power to excuse yourself from it. Change the subject or excuse yourself and walk away. You can also remark that you do not want to have that conversation. It is your responsibility to create a space where you are comfortable. Your health and sobriety come first.

You have the power to disengage yourself from any situation or conversation that is uncomfortable. Relationships that cause pain mean that you need to walk away. Knowing when to disengage is one of your best tools for enjoying a sober holiday.

At Liberty Bay Recovery, we offer CBT Therapy as well as other programs and therapies to deal with addiction. Everyone is unique, so drug rehab Portland ME makes use of a variety of treatments and therapies. Get back to where you feel self-confident while being sober. Don’t let alcohol control your actions and rule your life. Give us a call at (855) 607-8758 to get on the road to a better life, where you can appreciate and be thankful for many things.