Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms
girl laying on couch with hands on head experiencing heroin withdrawal symptoms

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Heroin withdrawal symptoms are oftentimes enough to urge a person to continue using in order to avoid them. They are both mentally and physically painful and taxing. If you are thinking about quitting heroin or any other opioid, it may not be the most fun you ever had, but the work is well worth it! You will be on your way to living the sober life that you deserve.

Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms

Heroin withdrawal symptoms are not fun, but they are very short-lived. The awful feelings will not last for more than a few days for most people. The biggest problem for people detoxing is that while they are in it, they decide to use again to make it be over, rather than waiting it out. The best way to combat this is to go to an inpatient heroin rehab center where you can detox safely.

First, the symptoms of heroin withdrawal. Here is a list of symptoms that you may or may not experience for anywhere between a few hours and a few days while detoxing from heroin.

  • Sweats and diarrhea
  • Nausea and stomach cramps
  • Insomnia and feeling of hopelessness
  • Cramping in the extremities
  • Intense cravings
  • Watery eyes and runny nose

Is the heroin withdrawal timeline in a Portland, Maine heroin detox center a fun experience to go through? No. Does it last long in relation to the rest of your life? No. The sensible conclusion here is to go find help while you detox. You need to have something in place to make sure that you will not just get up and start using again. It’s okay to need help while going through this, think of it as increasing your probability of success!

It’s just like learning anything new. If you want to become an awesome ice skater, you get someone to guide you through the process. The same goes for learning to live a happy and sober life. It’s not just going to happen, but it can with help!

What to Expect at an Inpatient Rehab

If you have the time and resources to attend an inpatient rehab, you should. This will give you the best opportunity to get a handle on your heroin withdrawal symptoms if you use the time right. Here are some of the activities that you can expect to experience during your stay at an inpatient rehab.

In inpatient rehab, you will receive the following types of treatment:

  • One-on-one counseling
  • Group therapy
  • Alternative therapy
  • Learning coping skills
  • Family therapy
  • Introduction to support groups

Additionally, at inpatient rehab, your day will look something like the following.

In the morning:

  • Breakfast
  • Morning group
  • Workshop

In the afternoon:

  • Lunch
  • One-on-one therapy
  • Break time
  • Exercise
  • Group session

In the evening:

  • Dinner
  • Peer support group
  • Relaxing or TV time
  • Bed

Likewise, you will have the ability to spend the day working on your sobriety, handling heroin withdrawal symptoms and talking to people about how to formulate the best plan for when you leave the rehab.

Finding an Inpatient Rehab

Liberty Bay Recovery offers a range of programs in Portland, Maine for people that use heroin. Give us a call today at (855) 607-8758 to set your detox date and start your journey to a clean and sober life! We’re here to help with your heroin withdrawal symptoms – or any other complication you may be experiencing.