Addiction Recovery Blog

alcohol-induced dementia

What Is Alcohol-Induced Dementia?

Alcohol misuse can lead to many long-term health problems down the road and ultimately require alcohol addiction treatment. One of these health problems is alcohol-induced dementia, a form of brain

sober holiday
Alcohol Rehab

Enjoying a Sober Holiday

The holidays can be a challenging time to stay healthy, especially for those in recovery from addiction. Holiday traditions, annual gatherings, and even childhood memories can tug at your emotions,

drinking on thanksgiving
Alcohol Rehab

Tips to Avoid Drinking on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an important and special time to gather with family and friends to celebrate the season. Oftentimes, these gatherings include plenty of delicious dishes to enjoy too. It’s not

alcohol and young adults
Alcohol Rehab

Relationship Between Alcohol and Young Adults

Alcohol is a substance widely used by young adults. Unfortunately, the combination of alcohol and young adults is often linked to detrimental issues like binge drinking and drunk driving. These

quit drinking

Helpful Tips to Quit Drinking

Are you concerned about the amount of alcohol you consume? Are your weekend nights out becoming an everyday occurrence? Have you tried to quit drinking but can’t? If you have

alcoholic parent
Alcohol Rehab

Getting Treatment for an Alcoholic Parent

Alcoholism can damage all kinds of relationships. However, the toll that alcoholism can take on the relationship between a parent and child can be particularly difficult. Depending on the child’s

group staying active in recovery at a rehab center
Addiction Treatment Therapy

How To Stay Active In Recovery While Social Distancing

Life has drastically changed globally as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. One area that has witnessed notable transformation is communication, which now features greater social distancing and isolation. Although

woman researching recovery resources for addiction

How To Get Recovery Resources During A Pandemic

During these unprecedented times, people with substance use disorder are particularly vulnerable to changes in their environment. The rules that come with the pandemic related to social isolation can be

couple talking about the cost of an addiction

What Is the Cost of Maintaining an Addiction?

Addiction destroys health, self-worth, family, friends, hope, and financial stability. People with substance use disorder often understand the consequences of their addiction, but they are missing the coping skills, stability,

couple who is planning a sober halloween
Alcohol Rehab

How To Plan A Sober Halloween

Halloween is among the top drinking holidays, and navigating it without alcohol or drugs can be a daunting task. For people with substance abuse disorder, consuming alcohol in moderation is