What Is the Cost of Maintaining an Addiction?

What Is the Cost of Maintaining an Addiction?
couple talking about the cost of an addiction

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Addiction destroys health, self-worth, family, friends, hope, and financial stability. People with substance use disorder often understand the consequences of their addiction, but they are missing the coping skills, stability, and self-esteem that will allow them to heal. If trying to convince someone to stop using drugs or alcohol hasn’t worked, treatment might be their best option. Contact Liberty Bay Recovery by calling (855) 607-8758 to get started.

Treatments That Can Deal with Addiction

Every type of addiction features different challenges and physical and psychological factors that an individual should address to ensure a successful recovery. As a result, each type of addiction requires a different set of treatments and approaches to effectively eliminate its symptoms. 

A Maine inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center can help people take their lives back. Each of our programs addresses your needs to create a comfortable and healthy healing environment. Some of our treatment programs include:

The Destructive Nature of Addiction

Addiction causes someone to experience an extreme urge to consume or take drugs or alcohol. This condition can cause many problems, not just for the affected individual but also for those around them. The cost of addiction is not limited to only financial and healthcare costs. There are also other problems that an addict faces by abusing drugs or alcohol. Often, addiction can cause a rift between families and loved ones. Such problems can lead to domestic violence, workplace disturbances, and other negative outcomes.  

The Cost of an Addiction

The monetary cost of addiction can be very high in Maine and elsewhere. It is a constant battle between an individual’s will power to balance the addiction and the constant need to fulfill their addiction. 

There are different types of addictions that serve to drain finances and have dangerous effects on the mind and body. Without rehabilitation or help from a medical detox center, various addiction can be extremely difficult to get rid of without an effective treatment center.

When calculating costs when maintaining an addiction, some important factors have to be taken into account. These costs include:

  • Healthcare costs
  • Criminal justice costs
  • Intangible costs (such as quality of life, strains on relationships, and sleep issues)
  • Cost of drugs and alcohol
  • Addiction treatment cost

Healthcare Costs

Healthcare costs are a major cost of addiction. This is because the prolonged use of drugs and alcohol impacts one’s physical and mental well-being. These costs can include medical treatment, doctor’s visits, medical treatments, and costs associated with the treatment of mental conditions that can result from addiction.

Criminal Justice Costs

Criminal justice costs are a major factor when an individual struggles with addiction because they may engage in behaviors that put them at legal risk. In order to satisfy their addiction, they may steal or commit crimes like robbery, which can lead to arrest, going to court, paying fines, or even going to jail. There are also costs associated with money for bail.

Intangible Costs (Decrease in Quality of Life)

These costs are often the most important in maintaining an addiction. When an individual suffers from addiction, their quality of life starts to decrease. Addiction affects relationships with family and friends, the ability to maintain a job, the ability to blend in with society, and one’s physical and mental health. This is because when addiction is severe, an addict does not show compassion and concern for people around them but rather focuses on how they can serve their addiction. 

Thankfully, there are alcohol rehab centers such as Liberty Bay that are dedicated to helping individuals get rid of their addiction by providing effective medical care.

Liberty Bay Can Help

Located in Portland, Maine, Liberty Bay features an experienced staff ready to help you battle your addiction. You do not have to suffer from the high cost of addiction. Help is always available. Call Liberty Bay at (855) 607-8758 to schedule an appointment or for more information on how we can help you today!