Addiction Recovery Blog

woman thinking about the hardest addictions to recover from

What Are The Hardest Addictions To Recover From?

Using psychoactive substances for extended periods of time causes changes in brain chemistry that affect our survival instincts, approaches to conflict, pain threshold, and family values. These changes can be

couple talking about the cost of an addiction

What Is the Cost of Maintaining an Addiction?

Addiction destroys health, self-worth, family, friends, hope, and financial stability. People with substance use disorder often understand the consequences of their addiction, but they are missing the coping skills, stability,

woman thinking about stress and recovery
Addiction Treatment Therapy

How To De-Stress During Recovery

Stress and recovery can be challenging to handle when they occur at the same time. For many people, stressful situations can trigger a relapse if they don’t take proactive steps.

professional showing how an addiction recovery program works

How Addiction Recovery Works

Substance abuse is a chronic and incurable disease that changes the chemical makeup of your brain. It has serious and potentially life-threatening consequences that are best addressed in partnership with