How To Practice Patience

How To Practice Patience

woman at a desk with a laptop doing a yoga pose. how to practice patience

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Learning how to practice patience in our modern world is challenging for many people. We live in an on-demand world that provides quick access to everything we need. Hungry and ready to eat now? Just open your phone and order your food. A person will deliver it to your home or office within minutes. Need to find shoes for your office party this weekend? Order a pair from the largest online retailer. Your new shoes will arrive the next day.

All of these things have made our lives easier. However, they have increased our need for instant gratification. We want our needs met now. If you’ve become impatient, you don’t have to let it rule your life. The good news is you can learn how to practice patience. These three tips can show you the way.

How to Practice Patience With Yoga

Each day, it is a good idea to slow down. Take a break from this fast-paced world even if it’s only for a few minutes. Yoga is an activity that shows you how to practice patience. Unlike other activities, such as running and dancing, you have to slow down to practice yoga. At first, this can be uncomfortable. This is especially true when you’re used to having everything at your fingertips. It will take time to get used to stillness and holding poses for long periods of time.

In addition to patience, there are other benefits of yoga, such as improved energy, weight reduction, greater awareness, decreased blood pressure and increased blood flow. Our therapists at Liberty Bay Recovery use yoga as part of our addiction therapy in Portland. Our patients have improved their overall well-being by practicing yoga each day.

Identify Causes of Your Impatience

If you’re like most people, certain situations can trigger anxiety and impatience. For some people, getting stuck in traffic is the worst thing ever. For others, getting stuck in traffic offers a time to think and listen to new music.

What are some things that make you impatient? Take a few moments to think about those things. Afterward, make a list of these things. Next to each item on your list, write an action you can take to increase your patience in that situation. Practice each action on your list until you develop patience in that area.

Be mindful that it takes time to learn how to practice patience. You don’t have to conquer everything on your list at one time. Take small steps until you achieve your goal.

Practice Patience by Taking Deep Breaths

When you become impatient, how does your body feel? You may notice an increase in anxiety. Your mind begins to race. It can be difficult to get control of your thoughts. As soon as you notice that you’ve become impatient, take a few minutes to calm down. Use this time to take deep breaths. This is a good way to relax and refocus. While you’re taking deep breaths, you can take a short walk outside. The fresh air can improve your heart rate and refresh your mind. Getting control of your breath can help you as you learn how to practice patience.

Liberty Bay Recovery – We Can Help

At Liberty Bay Recovery, our mission is to help our clients recover from addiction. If you’d like to know how practicing patience can help you achieve lasting sobriety, we can help. Our caring staff uses a motivational but confrontational approach to therapy.

Looking for an intensive outpatient or residential program for men and women? Explore our programs at Liberty Bay Recovery. Our therapies include 12-step, holistic and yoga. For more information about our addiction therapy in Portland, ME, contact our recovery center at [Direct].