Is Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab Better for Addiction Recovery?

Is Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab Better for Addiction Recovery?
a group discussing inpatient vs outpatient rehab

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There is an urgent need for effective addiction treatment in Portland, ME, which has led people to consider inpatient vs outpatient rehab. The rising number of opioid and methamphetamine abuse cases have changed the city’s law enforcement policies in regard to painkillers. In addition, 45% of heroin users in Portland stated they began abusing prescription pills first.

Why Choose Liberty Bay Recovery Center in Portland

Whether it’s you or someone you want to help, seeking addiction treatment is the first step to getting out of the infinite loop of drug abuse and self-destruction. Recovery is a personal subject for most of our patients, but our patients select from inpatient vs outpatient rehab programs.

We take treatment and patient care seriously, and our staff is available 24/7 to help you in every way possible. Our goal is to guide you back onto a path that keeps you clean and sober for the rest of your life.

Liberty Bay Recovery Center offers all of the modern-day treatment and therapy services, including:

All therapies include 12-step, holistic, yoga, motivational interviewing, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), family therapy, trauma therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and more.

So, is an inpatient rehab center addiction treatment option best for you? Let’s take a closer look.

What Are Inpatient Rehab Centers?

Wondering about inpatient vs outpatient rehab programs? With our residential inpatient addiction treatment, you come to our comfortable facility that we staff to provide you with round-the-clock support. While outpatient care takes place in your home, inpatient is an immersive experience, and there are scheduled activities and therapy sessions during your stay.

You reside here, and your stay can last for as little or as long as you like. We recommend staying for at least 30 days for the minimal treatment. Your typical day during inpatient care includes:

  • Individual counseling sessions
  • Fitness and exercise
  • Life skills and communication coaching
  • Coping and recovery coaching
  • Trauma counseling
  • Diet and nutritional guidance
  • Relapse avoidance and trigger learning

We offer a variety of non-traditional treatment approaches as well, including massage, yoga, pet therapy, and other medication-assisted treatment to ease off of withdrawal and cravings.

Who Benefits from Inpatient Addiction Treatment in Portland?

For those considering inpatient vs outpatient rehab programs, these types of programs help many people. These include persons needing serious addiction therapy who may have other disorders affecting their mental health. You might have anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. If so, it’s much easier to get out of a destructive routine at a treatment facility. This may work better than trying to stay home in the same environment.

There is typically a higher success rate with inpatient care due to more one-on-one access with therapists and a daily schedule that provides structure to stay focused on your goal. While cost can be a factor with inpatient rehab centers, insurance, and payment plans make it more affordable.

Do You Need an Outpatient Rehab Center Instead?

Many people prefer an inpatient vs outpatient rehab center when they have already tried outpatient in the past. However, if you have never been to rehab before and the idea of inpatient therapy seems too difficult, outpatient is the popular first option. You have more flexibility in these outpatient rehab center programs, and you can continue to live at home and participate in normal activities at school or with your family. It’s also much less expensive since you are living at home. You still have access to the support system at the center, but it is not as intense or immersive.

Some people also opt for outpatient treatment because it teaches patients how to deal with everyday situations around the same people and triggers as before recovery. However, when drug abuse is too much of a temptation, outpatient may not be enough. Patients may transfer into inpatient to complete their treatment if this is the case.

Need Addiction Treatment in Portland Right Now?

It’s time to get in touch with a counselor and talk through what’s been bothering you. A path to recovery can start today. Call Liberty Bay Recovery at (855) 607-8758 to speak with a knowledgeable counselor and get help today.