Addiction Recovery Blog

staying sober

Staying Sober over 4th of July

Going through addiction treatment can be extremely difficult for many reasons, no matter what substance you’re struggling with, how long you’ve been dependent on it, and what the circumstances of

signs of adhd
Behavior Therapy

Does ADHD Impact Men and Women Differently?

ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders diagnosed. Nearly ten percent of children are diagnosed with ADHD – for some, the symptoms disappear

signs of codependency
Behavior Therapy

Learning to Recognize Signs of Codependency

Codependency is a term used to define a relationship in which one person (the taker) depends entirely on another person (the giver) to get through daily life. In a codependent

woman learning life skills for recovery

Important Life Skills For Recovery

Addiction can take over your life without you even noticing. Even worse, constantly battling the impulses and temptations of drug or alcohol use hinders your development and the recovery process.