PTSD Awareness Month

PTSD Awareness Month
ptsd awareness month

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If you or a loved one has experienced PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), you know the ongoing journey to overcome this condition. Considering this month (June) is PTSD Awareness Month, it’s the perfect time to raise awareness about PTSD in your community. Perhaps it’s also a good opportunity to try to deal with PTSD in your own life. 

Contact Liberty Bay Recovery today at (855) 607-8758 for more information about designing a PTSD treatment program to meet your needs. 

What Is PTSD Awareness Month?

The National Center for PTSD established PTSD Awareness Month to help educate the public and recognize those affected. Many people deal with PTSD alone and in silence. But there is absolutely no shame in asking for help. 

If you have a feeling someone in your life is struggling with PTSD, help is available. PTSD affects all types of people, including:

  • Veterans, especially those who have served in combat
  • Survivors of sexual assault/other acts of violence
  • People who have lived through natural disasters, like hurricanes
  • Individuals who have been involved in serious accidents
  • People in recovery from drug addiction 
  • People who have lost loved ones/are grieving 

Post-traumatic stress disorder can develop after any traumatic event, and often people are not aware that they have it. Here are some signs that you or a loved one may be suffering from PTSD:

  • Fearful flashbacks (waking nightmares) or nightmares
  • Lack of social connection/social isolation
  • Severe intoxication in attempts to self-medicate
  • Trouble falling and/or staying asleep (i.e., insomnia)
  • Self-destructive behavior, including drug and alcohol abuse
  • Emotional numbness and emotional detachment
  • Attempts to block the traumatic event from your mind
  • Anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Severe irritability or anger
  • Guilt and self-blame

It’s said that one of the most frustrating aspects of PTSD is feeling a lack of control. Seeking treatment for PTSD is important to regaining control and finding a better quality of life. 

There is no need for anyone to live with the symptoms of PTSD. Treatment is available in Portland, Maine, at the Liberty Bay Recovery Center. It doesn’t have to be PTSD Awareness Month. Professional help is available anytime, whenever you’re ready.

What Treatment Options Are Available for PTSD and Addiction?

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for PTSD. Every individual is unique, and so are the traumatic events he or she has experienced. Depending on the symptoms present, a treatment center can customize the appropriate program, including:

  • Trauma-focused inpatient addiction treatment
  • Trauma-focused outpatient addiction treatment

When Is PTSD Awareness Day?

PTSD Awareness Day is June 27, 2021. But you can honor the struggles of individuals with PTSD all throughout June (and the rest of the year). Here are a few ways you can offer help to someone with PTSD:

  • Listen without judgment/without giving advice
  • Treat them to nature therapy, like going on a refreshing walk
  • Suggest taking yoga or meditation classes together
  • Help them find a qualified PTSD treatment program

Directing your loved one to a reputable treatment program may be the best way to help. If you’re the one coping with PTSD, finding the right program for you can put you on the road to lasting recovery. 

Seeking help for PTSD is not easy. You should feel proud to take this challenging but essential step forward. 

Reach Out to Liberty Bay Recovery Today

The caring counselors at Liberty Bay Recovery are ready and qualified to help you and/or your loved one(s). At our residential facility, we offer a personal—rather than institutional—approach to treatment for PTSD. 

To learn more about how you can start the journey to lifelong health and happiness, contact the dedicated addiction recovery professionals at Liberty Bay Recovery by calling (855) 607-8758 or using our online form.