How Much Heroin Does It Take to Overdose?

How Much Heroin Does It Take to Overdose?
bag of heroin shows how much heroin does it take to overdose

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Heroin is a drug, and most drug dosages are based on a person’s weight. So, how much heroin does it take to overdose? Simply get on the scales and weigh yourself. Now take that weight and multiply it by nothing because there is no way to calculate how much heroin a person can use before an overdose occurs.

This is true whether you are a first-time heroin user or someone who has struggled with heroin addiction for a long time. People often feel that they can control their addiction by using their own “weights and measurements” for a drug and figuring how much it takes to get them high. Unfortunately, this does not hold true. Trying to judge how much heroin to put in your body can possibly end your life.

The Popular “Go-To” Drug

Heroin is the go-to drug for many people all over the world. A number of people find themselves turning to heroin after they have used prescription opioids and those opioids are no longer available or are not achieving the desired result. Pure heroin is usually not the culprit when it comes to an overdose. The culprit is usually what the heroin is mixed with to stretch the product. The question shouldn’t be how much heroin results in an overdose. The question should be: what is the heroin mixed with and how will it affect you?

Where Does Heroin Come From?

Heroin is a semi-synthetic opioid drug made from morphine, which is a natural substance made from the seedpod of the opium poppy plant. Dealers receive a small amount of pure heroin and then mix or “cut” the product with whatever is available. Some of the additives to heroin can range anywhere from baby aspirin to fentanyl. Any time you ingest an unknown chemical substance, the health risk can be dire. Not only do you not know what your heroin is mixed with, but you also don’t know how much pure heroin you are getting. Also, there is no guarantee that the heroin isn’t mixed with something that you could be allergic to.

How Much Heroin Does It Take to Overdose?

Overdose can occur the first time you use heroin, or it can occur even if you are a seasoned user. There is no way of telling how your body will react. When people think of heroin overdose, they automatically think of death. That is not always true. What happens to your body when you overdose on heroin?

Any of the following symptoms can indicate an overdose:

  • A slowed heart rate
  • Slower breathing
  • A slower pulse
  • Muscle spasms
  • Seizures
  • Death

None of that sounds remotely appealing, does it? But when you are addicted, those thoughts become unimportant. How much does it take to overdose now becomes, how do I find help?

Finding the Help You Need

Finding a heroin addiction treatment center in Portland, Maine, that is ready to start the treatment journey with you shouldn’t be a humiliating experience. No matter what you have gone through or where you are in your struggle, you deserve to be treated with respect. When reaching out for help, you can count on us to treat you in a manner that boasts respect. If you or your loved one is ready to start the treatment journey, call Liberty Bay Recovery today at (855) 607-8758 to learn about our treatment options.