Addiction Recovery Blog

getting a job in recovery

Empowering Recovery Through Employment

Navigating the job market in sobriety is a major goal for so many people. After struggling with addiction and possibly being unemployed for a while, finding work gives you the

pills on a black background

How to Know If You’re an Addict

Millions of people interact with some form of addictive substance on a daily basis. However, these interactions do not necessarily make them addicts. They may drink alcohol or use tobacco

a group of women celebrate as they learn how to party sober

National Recovery Month 

National Recovery Month  Liberty Bay Retreat supports and promotes National Recovery Month at our drug and alcohol rehab center in ME. During the month of September, National Recovery Month is a

Stress Responses: Fight, Flight, or Freeze

Stress Responses: Fight, Flight, or Freeze In these challenging times, most people experience stress. The difference is in how we cope with trauma and triggers. Some of us can find