Sober Valentine’s Day

Sober Valentine’s Day
sober valentines day circled with a heart on a calendar

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When was the last time you had a sober Valentine’s Day? Alcohol is a large part of any celebration, especially those that call for the expression of love. Those without someone to love may celebrate (or soothe) with alcohol to erase the feeling of missing out. Couples may just want to cover any anxiety that the holiday may bring. Here are some tips for celebrating Valentine’s Day sober.

Staying Sober on Valentine’s Day Is Possible

While alcohol addiction is a serious problem, you may miss the signs of your drinking habit. Holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day present a challenge to those recovering from addiction as well as those who have not yet acknowledged the problem. Withdrawal from alcohol requires treatment, but the problem first needs acknowledgment.

Liberty Bay Recovery offers a variety of services that include detox and residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient and community outpatient. The Detox and residential program offers 24-hour medical care with doctors and nursing staff. Detox from alcohol or drugs is different for each individual and symptoms need monitoring.

Tips For a Sober Valentine’s Day

Celebrating Valentine’s Day sober requires some thinking. It is a chance to use your creativity while expressing love for someone special. Here are some tips from Liberty Bay in Portland, Maine, to help you celebrate the day.

If you’re single and in recovery, it is best not to start a new romantic relationship around this time of year. Negative relationship patterns as well as coping through hookups are something you do not want to encounter while trying to recover. Give thanks that you have the space to make the needed healthy changes in your life.

Those in a relationship can celebrate Valentine’s Day without drugs or alcohol with a ski trip, camping trip or a dinner at home without the alcohol.

Enjoying Valentine’s Day sober is both for couples and singles and can include visiting a museum, going out and playing in the snow, taking a long walk in nature, inviting friends over and cooking a meal together, enjoying nonalcoholic drinks, taking a class, doing yoga and being active while having fun, eating chocolate with friends, toasting friendship or love with nonalcoholic drinks, going to a movie or going bowling with friends, family or loved ones or picnicking by the ocean or lake while enjoying the views.

Don’t let the pressure of the day cause you to fret or fear it if you are in recovery. It’s just another day. Fill it with friendship and fun.

Help for a Valentine’s Day That Is Sober Is on the Way

Substance abuse treatment in Portland, Maine, can get you on the way to having a sober holiday this year and for many to come.

Suffering from symptoms of withdrawal is easier with medical supervision. Liberty Bay is here to help you in withdrawal as well as recovery.

We offer a variety of therapies to help you overcome your addiction, once past the detox stage. These include CBT, DBT and other therapies; we customize each for your particular situation.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day sober is easier when you are aware of some different behaviors from past years.

This Valentine’s Day, don’t let an addiction ruin the fun. You can get a handle on your addiction by going to a quality rehab program. Contact us at Liberty Bay Recovery, and we’ll get you on the path to wellness. Call (855) 607-8758 to find out more and begin to celebrate life and love sober.