Signs of Codependency

Signs of Codependency
unhappy woman sitting next to man with head in his hands as signs of codependency

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Contrary to common belief, codependency is not a mental health disorder. Instead, it is a complex pattern of unhealthy behaviors. Someone who struggles with this pattern in a relationship can benefit from attending a codependency treatment center.

Experts have identified some specific signs that indicate codependency. Their research shows that addictions and codependency often go hand-in-hand. It may be difficult to determine which came first, but the concerns should be treated concurrently to ensure the best outcome.

At Liberty Bay Recovery, we offer a multimodality treatment program that addresses the underlying causes of codependency and addiction. Contact us at (855) 607-8758 to learn how our evidence-based program can help you and your loved one.

Codependent Relationships and Addiction

Codependent relationships often have one passive partner and one who is dominant. The passive person may struggle to make decisions, and the dominant one gains a sense of control by making the other person’s decisions for them.

When one partner in a relationship has a substance use disorder, codependency is common. This individual with drug problems depends on their partner to accept their excuses, give them another chance, come to their rescue, or ignore the substance use altogether.

In other codependent relationships, one partner may feel compelled to care for the other. When addiction is part of the equation, one person becomes an enabler by providing food, shelter, or money. This arrangement makes it easier for the addicted person to continue their behavior because they have few responsibilities to keep them on track.

Simply put, codependency means two people are dependent on one another to the point that they can’t function independently.

What Are the Signs of Codependency?

Codependency is so common that few people notice that something is unhealthy about their relationship. According to researchers, patterns of codependent behavior can involve the following:

  • A tendency to minimize personal needs
  • Taking blame to avoid conflict
  • A need to earn praise and approval
  • The habit of taking charge
  • Excessive concern about a loved one’s needs
  • Idealizing loved ones or partners
  • An overwhelming fear of rejection
  • Guilt or anxiety about self-care
  • Inability to set boundaries
  • People-pleasing behavior
  • Excusing abusive behavior
  • Fear of being alone

Identifying the subconscious motivations behind codependent relationships is the key to resolving the behavior. It involves learning to look at personal wants, needs, and desires. People must learn to set healthy boundaries between themselves and others that demonstrate what will and will not be tolerated.

Finding Help for Codependency

Rebuilding relationships with friends and family and finding ways to resume activities you once enjoyed can be a great start toward reclaiming independence. Also, learn what you can about relationships and addiction, and encourage your partner to seek treatment.

To change codependent relationships, you need to change the way you live your life, how you relate to others, and how you relate to yourself. Professional guidance can help you accomplish those goals.

Regain Your Sense of Self at Liberty Bay Recovery

At Liberty Bay Recovery, you will find a compassionate team of addiction specialists who can help you regain your sense of self. With our comprehensive approach to treatment, you’ll take part in mental health counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and life skills training, among other therapies and activities.

In our program, you’ll enjoy various activities that will help you learn how to focus on yourself. We provide a weight room, musical instruments, motivational interviewing, yoga, and 12-step sessions. Former clients rave about the amazing recovery community we foster.

Contact us at Liberty Bay Recovery if you recognize any signs of codependency in your relationship. You can reach us at (855) 607-8758 to speak with one of our codependency treatment professionals.