Addictive Prescription Drugs

Addictive Prescription Drugs
Woman With Prescription Drug Addiction

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Doctor-prescribed medications can be dangerous and addictive. This can lead to health and social consequences. Any time a prescription is written, it needs to be followed closely to ensure addictive prescription drugs are used in a safe manner. If you’ve strayed from that for any reason, it may be time to seek out treatment for prescription drug addiction. Liberty Bay Recovery offers comprehensive support to aid in that process. Call us at (855) 607-8758 to learn more.

What Prescription Drugs Carry an Addiction Risk?

Some prescription drugs carry a higher risk of being addictive when misused. For people with a prescription for these drugs, it’s important to recognize the risk of overuse. 


Barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and sleep medications are often prescribed to treat anxiety, seizures, and sleep disorders. Medications like Seconal, Amytal, Ativan, Ambien, and Valium are a few examples of addictive prescription drugs. If you believe you have developed an addiction to prescription medication, contact your doctor today.


Opioids are some of the most effective pain killers. Yet, when overused, they carry a very high risk of addiction. Some of the most common include:

  • Codeine
  • Morphine 
  • Methadone
  • Fentanyl
  • Oxycodone 
  • Hydrocodone 
  • Oxymorphone 


Stimulants are often used to treat ADHD. There are various forms, but the most common include amphetamines like Adderall and Dexedrine. Methylphenidate medications also fall into this category. This includes drugs like Ritalin and Concerta. 

How Do Addictive Prescription Drugs Lead to Addiction?

These drugs work with the central nervous system. Though there are some variations, many of these prescription drugs trigger a change in the chemistry in the brain. As a result, the brain recognizes these drugs as good things because they trigger the brain’s reward or pleasure center. Your brain instinctively seeks them out when using them causes you to feel normal. Over time, many people become dependent on prescription medication. This occurs when prescription drugs are used outside of the prescription provided or used for a long time without monitoring. Addictive prescription drugs can be hard to stop using if you reach this level of dependency. Even if you want to do so, they can be hard to control.

How to Know You Have an Addiction

It’s hard to tell when addiction is playing a role in the use of prescription drugs. Often, people have very real needs for these drugs that warrant continued use. Some key signs of addiction include:

  • Running out of medication before you should
  • Not getting the relief that you once did from the drugs 
  • Feeling intense cravings or withdrawal symptoms when you do not use them
  • Stealing another person’s drugs
  • Doctor shopping, where you try to get more of the prescription from another provider 

Finding the Treatment You Need for Addiction

If you are facing addiction to prescription drugs, do not wait to get help. The Portland, Maine, team at Liberty Bay Recovery provides a range of treatment programs for addictive prescription drugs, including those listed here. Don’t stop using them without a doctor’s supervision, but reach out to us today to learn more about our effective treatment programs. This includes:

Get the Treatment You Need When You Call Liberty Bay Recovery

Prescription drugs are necessary and often very effective when used as prescribed. In situations where they are abused, addiction is a real threat, even when you think you can control it. Addictive prescription drugs don’t have to control your future. If you are ready for help, reach out to our team at Liberty Bay Recovery for support. Call us now at (855) 607-8758 or connect with us online