Getting Treatment for an Alcoholic Parent

Getting Treatment for an Alcoholic Parent

alcoholic parent

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Alcoholism can damage all kinds of relationships. However, the toll that alcoholism can take on the relationship between a parent and child can be particularly difficult. Depending on the child’s age and dependence on the parent, alcoholism can cause children to be neglected and abused mentally, physically, or even financially. That is why encouraging alcoholic parents to take part in an alcohol rehab program with Liberty Bay Recovery Center is crucial for their health and the health and well-being of their children.

Before you can help your alcoholic parent begin their recovery journey, it’s important to understand exactly what alcoholism is and how to spot it. There are a few key symptoms that most people suffering from alcoholism share, though alcohol dependency can look different among various lifestyles.

Is your loved one suffering from alcoholism? Call Liberty Bay Recovery at [Direct] if you have any questions about our alcohol rehab programs for an alcoholic parent.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is characterized as a dependency on or addiction to alcohol as well as the behaviors that typically accompany such a dependency. Alcohol is the most widely abused substance in the country, with over 17 million adults struggling with alcohol dependency.

The symptoms of alcoholism and alcoholism’s effect on family vary case by case. Some alcoholics can be described as “high-functioning.” This type can carry out everyday tasks, such as working a job and caring for family members, yet rely on the effects of alcohol to cope emotionally. Alcoholics that are low-functioning will often exhibit symptoms like:

  • Extreme mood changes and irritability
  • Making drinking a priority over other responsibilities
  • Drinking in secret or alone
  • Memory loss or blackouts
  • Social or familial isolation
  • Inability to hold a job

Though alcoholism can look different depending on the person, the children of high-functioning and low-functioning alcoholics can be significantly affected negatively. Plus, high-functioning alcoholics may still exhibit symptoms similar to those that low-functioning alcoholics often experience.

Alcoholism: The Effects on Family

When children live with and are dependent on their parents, alcoholism can lead to serious neglect and abuse cases. However, even when children become independent, their parent’s alcoholism can still affect them in various ways.

Many adult children of an alcoholic parent struggle with feelings of resentment due to the neglect, abuse, or embarrassment they’ve experienced from their parent over a period of years or even throughout their entire life. Additionally, children of alcoholics tend to have low self-esteem due to the experience of feeling unloved or uncared for by their parents.

How to Help Your Alcoholic Parent Get Help at Liberty Bay Recovery

Alcoholics cannot be forced to change or even recognize their dependency. The best thing that children of an alcoholic parent can do is help their parents see that they have a problem and provide support for their recovery journey.

Bringing up such a difficult conversation can feel overwhelming and scary. However, it’s important to remember that the potential positives of the conversation generally outweigh the potential negatives. If you are worried that your parent could become reactive or even violent, it’s best to have another trusted family member or close friend with you.

Make sure to broach the subject at a time when your parent is not intoxicated. Don’t try to convince your parent that they have a problem; just express your concern about the possibility of it. Be clear about the concerning behaviors you’ve noticed and allow your parent to respond. If they aren’t receptive, try to have them agree to another conversation about it in the future.

The road to recovery from alcoholism is already difficult, so we make it easier with personalized treatment options, including:

  • Detox
  • Residential treatment
  • Partial hospitalization (PHP)
  • Intensive outpatient (IOP)

Call Liberty Bay Recovery Center at [Direct] to learn more about alcoholism’s effects on family and how you can get your alcoholic parent help.