Do I Need Alcohol Detox?

Do I Need Alcohol Detox?

people discussing do i need alcohol detox

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Your drinking problem may have reached the point where you ask, “Do I need Detox?” If so, you may want to consider getting help for alcoholism at an alcohol rehab center in Portland, Maine like Liberty Bay Recovery Center. An alcohol rehab center provides a wide range of evidence-based and holistic treatments that promote lifelong recovery from alcohol addiction.

While some of the signs of alcoholism are evident, others can be hidden for years before they finally become obvious. If you believe that you have a problem with alcohol but don’t know how to move forward with recovery, then you may want to speak with a treatment specialist about your condition. Do I need alcohol detox? Let’s answer that question below.

The Signs of Alcoholism

The signs of alcoholism are different for each person. Some people are able to ‘manage’ their alcoholism for years while others crash quickly. Some of the most common symptoms that a person a problem with alcohol and would benefit from a residential addiction treatment center include:

  • Obsession with Alcohol: One of the clearest signs of alcoholism is a person’s obsession with drinking. If they binge drink regularly, they may get to the point where all they think about is alcohol. Drinking becomes more than a habit. Instead, it turns into a lifestyle where the person’s life is surrounded around beer, wine, or liquor.
  • Quit Drinking: Another sign of alcoholism is an individual’s inability to stop drinking. A person may come to the realization that they need to stop. However, repeated attempts always end in relapse. The drinking has reached the point where the user is no longer in control. When this happens, the only solution may be to check into a Portland, Main detox center.
  • Drastic Changes in Behavior: After a while, an alcoholic may become unrecognizable due to changes in appearance and behavior. You may notice that a friend, family member, or colleague is acting in ways that are out of character. They spend time with people, go to places, or engage in risky behaviors that they would never have in the past.
  • Problems with Relationships: Alcoholism almost always affects others. Family members may take a physical or emotional toll due to the intense behavior of the alcoholic. Alcohol addiction treatment services often include family therapy as a way of helping the family grow together as the alcoholic recovers.
  • Continued Drinking Regardless of the Consequences: A person who continues to drink may not stop until they hit rock bottom. They may lose their family, friends, job, health, finances, and everything else before they finally experience enough pain to turn things around. When a person reaches the point of wanting to get better, support is available to help them take the first step into detox.

Treatment for Alcoholism

Do I need an alcohol detox program? Once you answer that question honestly, you may be ready to get professional treatment. An alcohol addiction treatment center offers a wide range of treatment services such as:

A reputable treatment center provides everything you need for a lifelong recovery from alcohol addiction. A treatment specialist can assess your current condition and develop a treatment plan that meets your needs and helps you reach your goals.

Do I Need Alcohol Detox?

Do I need alcohol detox? Find the answers to that question at Liberty Bay. We offer dual diagnosis treatment for alcoholism and other disorders. Call Liberty Bay at (855) 607-8758 to get started with your treatment today. We can help you get on the road to recovery.